Le grandi banche salvate con i soldi dei contribuenti americani ed europei sono sempre più potenti poiché la crisi finanziaria internazionale provocata da loro stesse gli ha consentito di fagocitare tutti gli istituti di credito minori assumendo un controllo sempre più sfacciato sull’economia globale…

Ecco un video (purtroppo solo in lingua inglese) di Simon Johnson sur Msnbc con un articolo sul Huff Post che lo conferma, nero su bianco.

Le sole che vincono sono le banche. Nessun altro… e queste banche sono pericolosissime poiché ormai usano apertamente il ricatto:

"The nation’s largest banks still pose a dire threat to the economy. Simon Johnson, co-author of the forthcoming "13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover And The Next Financial Meltdown," former IMF chief economist … said that "even more than a year after the financial crisis, the banking sector is undiminished" … "

"We don’t need these particular banks and we definitely don’t need these bankers. Remember they managed their way into an enormous crisis that cost us trillions of dollars. And yet we kept every one of them in their jobs, we kept their board of directors, and they got to keep heir bonuses, their pensions, their empires. In fact, they’re bigger now than they were before and they’re more powerful now than they were before the crisis."


